The Rhythm Hut

4.5 ( 1725 ratings )
Utvecklare: Brett Whitelaw

Rumbalara means the end of the rainbow, and the jewel nestled at the base of Rumbalara Reserve is a treasured space known as the Rhythm Hut. The Rhythm Hut came about in reaction to the Rhythm Hunters needing a space to rehearse. Rendra Freestone, the creative director of the Hunters, needed a space where the group could train and practice and not disturb the community around them.
They settled in Erina, and once they had a rehearsal space, it was a small step to teaching classes. The Rhythm Hut slowly became a teaching space, where Rendra taught a variety of hand drumming techniques to a class of about 30. Eventually the Rhythm Hunters started fashioning their own Taiko drums for performances and classes became larger and more specialized, with other Rhythm Hunters also teaching classes. After moving to a different location in Erina, where flooding was prevalent during heavy rains, the Hunters found a great location in Gosford, which was larger, watertight, and had a shed for drum making. Somewhere in that transition, the hut also became a cosy and intimate music venue that has hosted quite a few world-class acts, and can still take up to 200 punters on a big night.
The Hut has become a cornerstone of culture in Gosford, a hidden gem of love and community at the base of Rumbalara Reserve, and has been used to fundraise for homeless shelters, launch political campaigns, as a dance studio, recording studio, movie theatre and general hang out space amongst other uses. We embrace all people who want to learn, who seek friendship and support, or who just love music. Come be part of something wonderful.

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